Step 1:
Simple welcome application works fine, and works fine even under heavy 

Step 2:
Now tried to stress my application under 1.60 and the result is:
web2py Enterprise Web Framework
Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2009
Version 1.60 (2009-04-08 12:50:44)
Database drivers available: SQLite3, MySQL, Postgre
choose a password:koko
please visit:
use "kill -SIGTERM 4494" to shutdown the web2py server
Segmentation fault

Step 3:
Then i created a tiny little test app:
db = SQLDB('postgres://mole:x...@localhost/mole')
session.connect(request, response, db=db)

   SQLField('field_str', length=256),
   SQLField('field_bool', 'boolean'),
   SQLField('field_int', 'integer'),

and a simple controller:
def index():
     db.my_test_table.insert( field_str = "some blah blah",
                              field_bool = True,
                              field_int = 123456,
                              field_text = "some longer blah blah")

     count = db(>0).count()

     response.flash = T('Welcome to web2py')

     return dict(count = count , message=T('Hello World'))

Well and i stressed this application puppy and segmantation falut came 
again, so not surely, but i can say psycopg2 driver has some problem.

Going to stress this on mysql.


mdipierro wrote:
> This is the first time I hear about it. A bug in your app should not
> cause web2py to crash.
> is this related to traffic?
> What if you just run welcome?
> What if you just run welcome and establish connections to DB via
> psycopg2?
> I think it is necessary to isolate the cause of these crashes.
> Make sure you are running 1.60.
> Massimo
> On Apr 8, 7:00 pm, Michal Jursa <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i finished my very first application done with web2py and i have a
>> little problem. I use it on Debian 64bit, python 2.5 with psycopg2 and
>> sometimes the application crashes without a word. As I publish this via
>> reverse proxy, then crash of the application means web service is down.
>> I will have to deploy my application via mod_python wrapper coz then new
>> service is started automatically i guess. But is there any stability
>> problem or is there something wrong in my application. I found there is
>> some trouble with psycopg2, but nothing exact.  Any idea?
>> Michal
> > 

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