I upgraded to Ubuntu 20.04, now the second option (git clone, make
install-dep etc.) worked fine, but I'm not sure how to start the vpp
process after I have the files built. sudo start vpp and sudo  service vpp
start doesn't work, sudo vppctl neither. I found some startup.conf files in
/vpp/src/vpp/conf directory, but i can't compile them because I get:
/usr/bin/vpp: command not found. Should I do the first kind of installation
(installing the debs) also, or what is the correct way to have vpp up and

Xiaodong Xu <stid.s...@gmail.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2022. júl. 13., Sze,

> To your last question, the dpdk{} configuration won't work if you disable
> the dpdk plugin.
> On Wed, Jul 13, 2022 at 5:26 AM Krisztián Varga <vargakris...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I found two different ways to install VPP on my computer, but I'm not
>> sure, if these ways do the same. There is the documentation for the first
>> one:
>> https://s3-docs.fd.io/vpp/22.06/gettingstarted/installing/ubuntu.html .
>> With this, I don't have a VPP folder in my home directory, and the plugins
>> not seem to be working this way.
>> The other way I found was this:
>> https://wiki.fd.io/view/VPP/Pulling,_Building,_Running,_Hacking_and_Pushing_VPP_Code
>> I tried it on Ubuntu 18.04, but it failed at install-dep and install
>> bootstrap. I need to use DPDK plugin for my job, which installation would
>> be better?
>> Also, if I put a PCI address in the config file to the dpdk{ } part, then
>> should I enable the plugin for the dpdk?
>> Thank you for the answers.
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