Hi Krisztián, 

The first option installs vpp’s debian packages, it will not install vpp in 
your home folder. Once you’re done installing the debs, check if vpp is running 
with something like ps, e.g., ps -ef | grep vpp. Make sure to install 
vpp-plugin-core, to get the plugins.  

Regarding the second option, we no longer support ubuntu 18.04. Could you try 
with 20.04? 


> On Jul 13, 2022, at 5:26 AM, Krisztián Varga <vargakris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I found two different ways to install VPP on my computer, but I'm not sure, 
> if these ways do the same. There is the documentation for the first one: 
> https://s3-docs.fd.io/vpp/22.06/gettingstarted/installing/ubuntu.html 
> <https://s3-docs.fd.io/vpp/22.06/gettingstarted/installing/ubuntu.html> . 
> With this, I don't have a VPP folder in my home directory, and the plugins 
> not seem to be working this way. 
> The other way I found was this: 
> https://wiki.fd.io/view/VPP/Pulling,_Building,_Running,_Hacking_and_Pushing_VPP_Code
> <https://wiki.fd.io/view/VPP/Pulling,_Building,_Running,_Hacking_and_Pushing_VPP_Code>
> I tried it on Ubuntu 18.04, but it failed at install-dep and install 
> bootstrap. I need to use DPDK plugin for my job, which installation would be 
> better?
> Also, if I put a PCI address in the config file to the dpdk{ } part, then 
> should I enable the plugin for the dpdk? 
> Thank you for the answers. 

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