
This is my first message, hope I'm in the right place.
I'm having troubles with an Intel E810-CAM2 card and VPP/DPDK: after assigning 
an IP address to the VPP interface and enabling it, I can't ping it. It looks 
like all packets get dropped (rx missed) and in show interfaces I can see the 
following error:

rx bytes ok                                         1776
rx missed                                             18  Errors:
rte_eth_dev_start[port:0, errno:-5]: Unknown error -5

VPP version is 21.06, DPDK 21.08, NIC Non-Volatile Memory 3.00

Attached the output of runtime and hardware-interfaces, I hope they will be 

Thank you,
vpp# show hardware-interfaces 
              Name                Idx   Link  Hardware
HundredGigabitEthernet5/0/0        1     up   HundredGigabitEthernet5/0/0
  Link speed: 100 Gbps
  RX Queues:
    queue thread         mode      
    0     vpp_wk_0 (1)   polling   
    1     vpp_wk_1 (2)   polling   
  Ethernet address 64:9d:99:ff:fd:d0
  Intel E810 Family
    carrier up full duplex mtu 9206 
    flags: pmd maybe-multiseg tx-offload intel-phdr-cksum rx-ip4-cksum
    rx: queues 2 (max 64), desc 1024 (min 64 max 4096 align 32)
    tx: queues 3 (max 64), desc 1024 (min 64 max 4096 align 32)
    pci: device 8086:1592 subsystem 8086:0002 address 0000:05:00.00 numa 0
    max rx packet len: 9728
    promiscuous: unicast off all-multicast off
    vlan offload: strip off filter off qinq off
    rx offload avail:  vlan-strip ipv4-cksum udp-cksum tcp-cksum qinq-strip 
                       outer-ipv4-cksum vlan-filter vlan-extend jumbo-frame 
                       scatter keep-crc rss-hash 
    rx offload active: ipv4-cksum jumbo-frame scatter 
    tx offload avail:  vlan-insert ipv4-cksum udp-cksum tcp-cksum sctp-cksum 
                       tcp-tso outer-ipv4-cksum qinq-insert multi-segs 
    tx offload active: udp-cksum tcp-cksum multi-segs 
    rss avail:         ipv4-frag ipv4-tcp ipv4-udp ipv4-sctp ipv4-other ipv4 
                       ipv6-frag ipv6-tcp ipv6-udp ipv6-sctp ipv6-other ipv6 
    rss active:        ipv4-frag ipv4-tcp ipv4-udp ipv4 ipv6-frag ipv6-tcp 
                       ipv6-udp ipv6 
    tx burst mode: Scalar
    rx burst mode: Scalar

    rx bytes ok                                         1776
    rx missed                                             18  Errors:
    rte_eth_dev_start[port:0, errno:-5]: Unknown error -5

HundredGigabitEthernet6/0/0        2     up   HundredGigabitEthernet6/0/0
  Link speed: 100 Gbps
  RX Queues:
    queue thread         mode      
    0     vpp_wk_0 (1)   polling   
  Ethernet address 64:9d:99:ff:fd:d1
  Intel E810 Family
    carrier up full duplex mtu 9206 
    flags: pmd maybe-multiseg tx-offload intel-phdr-cksum rx-ip4-cksum
    rx: queues 1 (max 64), desc 1024 (min 64 max 4096 align 32)
    tx: queues 3 (max 64), desc 1024 (min 64 max 4096 align 32)
    pci: device 8086:1592 subsystem 8086:0002 address 0000:06:00.00 numa 0
    max rx packet len: 9728
    promiscuous: unicast off all-multicast off
    vlan offload: strip off filter off qinq off
    rx offload avail:  vlan-strip ipv4-cksum udp-cksum tcp-cksum qinq-strip 
                       outer-ipv4-cksum vlan-filter vlan-extend jumbo-frame 
                       scatter keep-crc rss-hash 
    rx offload active: ipv4-cksum jumbo-frame scatter 
    tx offload avail:  vlan-insert ipv4-cksum udp-cksum tcp-cksum sctp-cksum 
                       tcp-tso outer-ipv4-cksum qinq-insert multi-segs 
    tx offload active: udp-cksum tcp-cksum multi-segs 
    rss avail:         ipv4-frag ipv4-tcp ipv4-udp ipv4-sctp ipv4-other ipv4 
                       ipv6-frag ipv6-tcp ipv6-udp ipv6-sctp ipv6-other ipv6 
    rss active:        none
    tx burst mode: Scalar
    rx burst mode: Scalar

    rx bytes ok                                         1056
    rx missed                                              6  Errors:
    rte_eth_dev_start[port:1, errno:-5]: Unknown error -5

local0                             0    down  local0
  Link speed: unknown
tap1                               3     up   tap1
  Link speed: unknown
  RX Queues:
    queue thread         mode      
    0     vpp_wk_1 (2)   polling   
    1     vpp_wk_0 (1)   polling   
  Ethernet address 02:fe:97:6a:09:18
  VIRTIO interface
     instance 0
tap2                               4     up   tap2
  Link speed: unknown
  RX Queues:
    queue thread         mode      
    0     vpp_wk_1 (2)   polling   
    1     vpp_wk_0 (1)   polling   
  Ethernet address 02:fe:23:b3:e2:f4
  VIRTIO interface
     instance 1
vpp# show runtime 
Thread 0 vpp_main (lcore 1)
Time 233.9, 10 sec internal node vector rate 0.00 loops/sec 7067.08
  vector rates in 0.0000e0, out 5.1301e-2, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        
Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call  
HundredGigabitEthernet5/0/0-ou   active                  5               6      
         0          1.86e4            1.20
HundredGigabitEthernet5/0/0-tx   active                  5               6      
         0          2.01e4            1.20
HundredGigabitEthernet6/0/0-ou   active                  5               6      
         0          4.11e3            1.20
HundredGigabitEthernet6/0/0-tx   active                  5               6      
         0          1.21e4            1.20
acl-plugin-fa-cleaner-process  event wait                0               0      
         1          3.33e4            0.00
admin-up-down-process          event wait                0               0      
         1          1.26e4            0.00
api-rx-from-ring                any wait                 0               0      
       432          5.56e5            0.00
avf-process                    event wait                0               0      
         1          2.73e4            0.00
bfd-process                    event wait                0               0      
         1          8.15e3            0.00
bond-process                   event wait                0               0      
         1          6.79e3            0.00
cnat-scanner-process           event wait                0               0      
         1          2.10e4            0.00
dhcp-client-process             any wait                 0               0      
         1          6.19e3            0.00
dhcp6-client-cp-process         any wait                 0               0      
         1          7.45e3            0.00
dhcp6-pd-client-cp-process      any wait                 0               0      
         1          7.60e3            0.00
dhcp6-pd-reply-publisher-proce event wait                0               0      
         1          9.56e3            0.00
dhcp6-reply-publisher-process  event wait                0               0      
         1          5.88e3            0.00
dpdk-process                    any wait                 0               0      
        78          3.84e6            0.00
fib-walk                        any wait                 0               0      
       117          1.32e4            0.00
flow-report-process             any wait                 0               0      
         1          6.39e3            0.00
flowprobe-timer-process         any wait                 0               0      
         1          1.23e4            0.00
gbp-scanner                    event wait                0               0      
         1          1.37e4            0.00
icmp6-router-solicitation        active                  5               8      
         0          4.82e4            1.60
igmp-timer-process             event wait                0               0      
         1          2.38e4            0.00
ioam-export-process             any wait                 0               0      
         1          1.45e4            0.00
ip-neighbor-event              event wait                0               0      
         1          6.24e3            0.00
ip4-full-reassembly-expire-wal  any wait                 0               0      
        24          2.29e4            0.00
ip4-neighbor-age-process        any wait                 0               0      
         2          5.04e3            0.00
ip4-sv-reassembly-expire-walk   any wait                 0               0      
        24          1.11e4            0.00
ip6-full-reassembly-expire-wal  any wait                 0               0      
        24          1.16e4            0.00
ip6-mld-process                 any wait                 0               0      
       233          5.08e3            0.00
ip6-neighbor-age-process        any wait                 0               0      
         2          4.44e3            0.00
ip6-ra-process                  any wait                 0               0      
       233          5.88e3            0.00
ip6-rewrite-mcast                active                  7              10      
         0          1.19e4            1.43
ip6-rs-process                  any wait                 0               0      
         1          1.10e4            0.00
ip6-sv-reassembly-expire-walk   any wait                 0               0      
        24          1.91e4            0.00
l2-arp-term-publisher          event wait                0               0      
         1          7.00e3            0.00
l2fib-mac-age-scanner-process  event wait                0               0      
         1          8.33e3            0.00
linux-cp-interface-process     event wait                0               0      
         1          1.22e4            0.00
linux-cp-netlink-process        any wait                 0               0      
        12          4.45e6            0.00
lldp-process                   event wait                0               0      
         1          6.39e6            0.00
memif-process                  event wait                0               0      
         1          2.72e4            0.00
nat44-ei-ha-process            event wait                0               0      
         1          2.77e4            0.00
nsh-md2-ioam-export-process     any wait                 0               0      
         1          2.05e4            0.00
rd-cp-process                   any wait                 0               0      
         1          1.89e4            0.00
send-dhcp6-client-message-proc  any wait                 0               0      
         1          7.81e3            0.00
send-dhcp6-pd-client-message-p  any wait                 0               0      
         1          1.41e4            0.00
startup-config-process            done                   1               0      
         1          1.82e4            0.00
statseg-collector-process       time wait                0               0      
        24          5.19e6            0.00
udp-ping-process                any wait                 0               0      
         1          2.53e4            0.00
unix-cli-local:0                 active                  0               0      
        56          1.75e7            0.00
unix-cli-new-session           event wait                0               0      
         5          1.93e8            0.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling            976797               0      
         0          5.69e5            0.00
vhost-user-process              any wait                 0               0      
         1          7.25e3            0.00
vhost-user-send-interrupt-proc  any wait                 0               0      
         1          5.97e3            0.00
virtio-send-interrupt-process   any wait                 0               0      
         1          8.46e3            0.00
vpe-link-state-process         event wait                0               0      
         5          1.54e4            0.00
vrrp-periodic-process          event wait                0               0      
         1          3.15e4            0.00
vxlan-gpe-ioam-export-process   any wait                 0               0      
         1          1.52e4            0.00
wg-timer-manager               event wait                0               0      
         1          1.94e6            0.00
Thread 1 vpp_wk_0 (lcore 2)
Time 233.9, 10 sec internal node vector rate 0.00 loops/sec 6045510.66
  vector rates in 6.8402e-2, out 6.8402e-2, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        
Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call  
HundredGigabitEthernet5/0/0-ou   active                  7               7      
         0          8.23e3            1.00
HundredGigabitEthernet5/0/0-tx   active                  7               7      
         0          5.86e4            1.00
HundredGigabitEthernet6/0/0-ou   active                  8               9      
         0          1.84e3            1.13
HundredGigabitEthernet6/0/0-tx   active                  8               9      
         0          8.24e4            1.13
crypto-dispatch                  polling        1509635157               0      
         0          5.10e1            0.00
dpdk-input                       polling        1523492204               0      
         0          8.55e1            0.00
ethernet-input                   active                 15              16      
         0          5.32e4            1.07
ip6-input                        active                 15              16      
         0          3.45e3            1.07
linux-cp-xc-ip6                  active                 15              16      
         0          1.01e4            1.07
unix-epoll-input                 polling           1486338               0      
         0          1.17e3            0.00
virtio-input                     polling        1509677244              16      
         0         1.51e10            0.00
Thread 2 vpp_wk_1 (lcore 3)
Time 233.9, 10 sec internal node vector rate 0.00 loops/sec 6577042.57
  vector rates in 2.5651e-2, out 2.5651e-2, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        
Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call  
HundredGigabitEthernet5/0/0-ou   active                  4               4      
         0          1.51e3            1.00
HundredGigabitEthernet5/0/0-tx   active                  4               4      
         0          3.89e3            1.00
HundredGigabitEthernet6/0/0-ou   active                  2               2      
         0          1.85e3            1.00
HundredGigabitEthernet6/0/0-tx   active                  2               2      
         0          2.62e3            1.00
crypto-dispatch                  polling        1586374576               0      
         0          5.01e1            0.00
dpdk-input                       polling        1600730333               0      
         0          8.30e1            0.00
ethernet-input                   active                  6               6      
         0          6.82e3            1.00
ip6-input                        active                  6               6      
         0          3.19e3            1.00
linux-cp-xc-ip6                  active                  6               6      
         0          3.39e3            1.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling           1561691               0      
         0          1.17e3            0.00
virtio-input                     polling        1586414158               6      
         0         3.84e10            0.00
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