> If the FIN was received, then this should be okey I think. Both sides are 
> aware that the session is closing.
> If the FIN and all of its re-transmits are lost, then this can become a 
> problem indeed. When the other side sends data after an hour, the packets 
> will be dropped and it can take a long time until the re-transmission timer 
> expires and the session is re-established by the client. (This also means a 
> lot of extra packets, which matters for IoT.)
> I would, however still prefer to make this change and rather speed-up the 
> reconnect by sending an RST, as I have indicated before. The client behavior 
> would be the same, it would anyway get an RST from the other side. If you 
> agree, then let us create a separate patch for the RST and we can contribute.


Best regards,
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