Venumadhav Josyula <> writes:
Hi Damien,I’m asking because in vpp we have also native drivers for some NICs and paravirtualized >devices, and those drivers are working in the >non-priv mode.
You mean to say native NICs para virtualized drivers ??? If yes can share details.
What HW are you using is what he's asking. You may not need DPDK at all, in which case you do not need to run vpp privileged. Thanks, Chris.
So are you also implying that it might not be possible to run vpp with dpdk in non-previlege mode ?, Which would be mean that that pod need to have previlege mode Thanks Regards Venu On Fri, 18 Jun, 2021, 12:52 pm Damjan Marion, <> wrote: I’m asking because in vpp we have also native drivers for some NICs and paravirtualized devices, and those drivers are working in the non-priv mode. — Damjan On 18.06.2021., at 09:12, Venumadhav Josyula <> wrote: Hi Damjan, We need dpdk, the reason being that packets from the NICs ( pollmode ) need to come inside our packet processing sw ( GTPU). So we wanted to use dpdk for the same. Now we wanted to know the pod in which vpp is running in non-previleged mode. Now we have questions i) is it possible ? ii) if yes how ? Now we were looking at below link for examples, but no luck... they non-previleged running vpp + dpdk had some problems. Hence i am trying to check in the community. Thanks, Regards, Venu On Fri, 18 Jun 2021 at 12:20, Damjan Marion <> wrote: Why do you need dpdk? — Damjan On 18.06.2021., at 06:47, Venumadhav Josyula <> wrote: Hi Christian, Can you please share the exact steps please ? Thanks, Regards, Venu On Thu, 17 Jun 2021 at 21:25, Christian Hopps <> wrote: "Venumadhav Josyula" <> writes: > Hi All, > > Can you run vpp + dpdk in non-privileged mode ? This vpp running > inside pod as a cnf I did this at one point, IIRC I had to disable something small bit of code in the dpdk_early_init that required root, but as this code was only required to do something directly with the HW later, it wasn't needed in the container/virtual case. Thanks, Chris. > > Thanks, > Regards, > Venu > > > >
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