Hi Paul,

as you refer to this specific story which is close to my heart (as I am the one 
who triggered the whole drama by -2'ed), let me clarify:

> The Netgate folks had a changeset they were waiting a month or so for a
> review, then they were told that it was too close to the release to merge
> it.  It was merged, but the argument that "because we held you back, we're
> going to hold you back some more" is very anti-community.

I am not disagreeing we have an issue with the merging process, but this is not 
what happened for this specific change (see below).
I apologized to Jon (patch author) and from the discussion I had with him we 
both agreed we were acting in good faith.
Anyway, the net result of all this is I am now reluctant to review anything for 
which I am not a maintainer (so less review manpower).

Here is the story from my point-of-view:
 * I did a patch that I abandoned on Jon's request (because Jon's and my were 
trying to fix the same problem but Jon's was more complete) and then did 
initial reviews on Jon's patch when he pushed it: I was looking forward for it 
to be merged and spent time on it
 * then I saw a number of updates by Jon (-2, -1, new patches) between patchset 
2 on Nov 30 until the last significant change with Patchset 5 on Dec 7
=> I did not spent time to review waiting for the final version, because I 
understood Jon were still actively debugging/updating it. Reviews take time, so 
I'd rather review when it is considered as "done" by the author
 * it is only when Jon pinged again that I looked at it again and asked Andrew 
and Dave, respectively because of their release manager hat and maintainer hat

I am not saying it was the best way of managing it, and this is definitely not 
how it was received/understood. I understand that. But there was no nefarious 
anti-community intent.

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