
1.      We are working now on upstreaming Marvell's PMD support in VPP DPDK 
   I'm attaching the patch as well in case you want play with it.

2.      Regarding the L3FWD performance difference between MUSDK and DPDK, 
currently we don't have numbers with VPP L3FW.
We only have  the numbers with two different applications. One is our own L3FW 
application running on top of MUSDK and other is a standard DPDL L3FWD 
application, so it's not a fair comparison.

Best Regards,
Natalie Samsonov

Attachment: 0001-plugins-dpdk-Add-support-for-net_mrvl-dpdk-driver.patch
Description: 0001-plugins-dpdk-Add-support-for-net_mrvl-dpdk-driver.patch

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