IP_PROTOCOL_ISIS is related to this IETF draft from 1999
https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-isis-wg-over-ip-02. IS-IS over IPv4,
as opposed to IS-IS.

Note that in
IP_PROTOCOL_ISIS, aka Decimal 124, has a Keyword but Protocol is blank in
the table. So I guess it is not used very much.


On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 9:42 AM, Gulakh <holoogul...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> i want to extend router plugin code to support is-is, i.e., sending is-is
> packets up to the control plane!
> First, i registered ISIS in tap inject, by adding the following line:
> ip4_register_protocol (IP_PROTOCOL_ISIS, im->tx_node_index);
>  in tap_inject_enable (void) function located at 
> vppsb/router/router/tap_inject.c
> file!
> However, the problem remained unsolved.
> Is there a special issue related to is-is that i should know?
> Anyone can help me?
> Regards,
> Gulakh

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