Hi I want to set up quality of service in vpp according to these commands [1], but i don't understand how can i distinguish between different customers from an interface?? because it said here [2] that currently there is not an API to create a new HQoS pipe PROFILE and just ONE is created by default in the code, also it said here [3] that currently ONLY ONE SUBPORT is supported, so it can be concluded that only one pipe profile type could be created for an interface and we just can distinguish between interfaces.
I want to be able to set different parameters (e.g. token_bucket_rate) for different pipes on the same interface. can you please help me in this matter? Best regards Reza Links: ------ [1] https://docs.fd.io/vpp/18.07/clicmd_src_plugins_dpdk_device.html [2] https://docs.fd.io/vpp/18.07/clicmd_src_plugins_dpdk_device.html#clicmd_set_dpdk_interface_hqos_pipe [3] https://docs.fd.io/vpp/18.07/clicmd_src_plugins_dpdk_device.html#clicmd_set_dpdk_interface_hqos_pktfield