Hi Andrew,

I work in Paris, so we're in the same timezone, and of course i'm
interested to discuss all this with you.
I'll update github with the current state of my work, and look at your
plugins so that I understand what you did a bit before.

I'm working on this with Christophe Fontaine (added in CC).

We can arrange a meeting tomorrow afternoon if it suits you.
Friday's a day off.
Any time after that should probably be good.


On 11/09/16 10:53, Andrew 👽 Yourtchenko wrote:
> Hi Gabriel,
> This looks interesting, and nice to meet you!
> I'm working on stateful ACL session tracking:
> https://github.com/vpp-dev/vpp/tree/acl/plugins/l2sess-plugin
> which plugs into the ACL plugin:
> https://github.com/vpp-dev/vpp/tree/acl/plugins/acl-plugin
> Definitely would be interesting to chat. I am using the 5-tuple mask in
> the L2 classifier table for flow entries and was thinking too about
> having some application-specific data (like, for example, TCP state
> for the TCP sessions, etc.) as I am getting now to work on the actual
> tracking of the state.
> My current thinking i that if upon the session creation the flow gets
> assigned a unique number, with the constraint that a lowest available
> one gets chosen, then the app-specific data storage can be simply done
> in vectors close to a particular application needing that data,
> indexed by this unique number.
> Classifier conveniently gives a u32 opaque, which is moved around with
> the packet at least in the L2 case in L2 opaque - so it seems to allow
> for a nice loose coupling, and get things done with the least amount
> of new code.
> But would be interesting to chat more about this. Which timezone are
> you in ? I am in CET.
> We could chat on IRC in #fdio.
> --a
> On 11/9/16, gannega <gabriel.ga...@qosmos.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm currently working on writing a flowtable node for vpp (It can be
>> found in vppsb or on github
>> <https://github.com/GabrielGanne/vpp-flowtable>).
>> In short, it inserts itself between given interface and ethernet-input,
>> and basically provides a buffer associated to the flow which can be
>> written externally.
>> I heard that some people were working on stateful features such as ACL.
>> Would you be interested to see if those could work together ?
>> In any case, I'd be happy to know what you think of it and what might be
>> missing.
>> Best regards,
>> --
>> Gabriel Ganne

Gabriel Ganne

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