Hi Gabriel,

This looks interesting, and nice to meet you!

I'm working on stateful ACL session tracking:


which plugs into the ACL plugin:


Definitely would be interesting to chat. I am using the 5-tuple mask in
the L2 classifier table for flow entries and was thinking too about
having some application-specific data (like, for example, TCP state
for the TCP sessions, etc.) as I am getting now to work on the actual
tracking of the state.

My current thinking i that if upon the session creation the flow gets
assigned a unique number, with the constraint that a lowest available
one gets chosen, then the app-specific data storage can be simply done
in vectors close to a particular application needing that data,
indexed by this unique number.

Classifier conveniently gives a u32 opaque, which is moved around with
the packet at least in the L2 case in L2 opaque - so it seems to allow
for a nice loose coupling, and get things done with the least amount
of new code.

But would be interesting to chat more about this. Which timezone are
you in ? I am in CET.
We could chat on IRC in #fdio.


On 11/9/16, gannega <gabriel.ga...@qosmos.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently working on writing a flowtable node for vpp (It can be
> found in vppsb or on github
> <https://github.com/GabrielGanne/vpp-flowtable>).
> In short, it inserts itself between given interface and ethernet-input,
> and basically provides a buffer associated to the flow which can be
> written externally.
> I heard that some people were working on stateful features such as ACL.
> Would you be interested to see if those could work together ?
> In any case, I'd be happy to know what you think of it and what might be
> missing.
> Best regards,
> --
> Gabriel Ganne
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