I understand your confusion, I have both and both exhibit the same problem.
For the server I worked around the whole issue by intalling the terminal
services web client.
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alex K.
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2002 7:21 AM
Subject: Re: Strange problem

Wait a minute, I'm confused...

Is the system a server or a Win2K Pro workstation?  You said it was rebuilt
AD to being a DC (I assume you mean "rebuilt", not dcpromo), but your latest
post says it's Win2K Pro...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eugene Beckett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, 2002-05-18 00:04
Subject: RE: Strange problem

> Oh,did I mentionthe same problem exists on a stright won2k pro machine, no
> term serv's or netmeeting, if I didn't I'm sorry.
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Eugene Beckett
> Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 8:37 PM
> Subject: RE: Strange problem
> I'll nail all this daon and get back to you this weekend, for the short
> answer:
> 1. System was rebuilt from an AD to domain controller.
> 2. Terminal services was already installed from AD.
> 3. Win SP2 with all security patches.
> 4. Nothing in the event log.
> 5. This I will reply to on the weekend, but, on the surface I've done all
> that.
> eugene
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alex K.
> Angelopoulos
> Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2002 11:52 PM
> Subject: Re: Strange problem
> Eugene,
> I think I know what may work; If you could, answer the following
> though.  This seems to be an occasional problem and it would be nice if we
> could
> start tying down a set of criteria for producing the problem.
> Under (1) there is a possibility that VNC might be affected; with (2),
> of
> those should really matter but there might be a secondary effect.
> Questions -
> (1) Any recent changes in the system role - e.g., change from domain
> to
> actual server, AD installed, or system policies applied?
> (2) Did you add or remove any of the following in recent memory: Windows
> Terminal Services (Admin or Apps mode), pcAnywhere, or any alternate
> control tool.
> (3) What service pack level are you running, and did you change it
> (4) Any other services failing to start and/or any records in the event
> that
> could be related?
> (5) Finally, if the following procedure works, we really want to know...
> :-))
> Floyd Russell posted this a few days back as a procedure he figured out
> installing VNC on Win2K over a Win2K TS connection.  Interestingly enough,
> it
> seems to be the perfect answer for installing VNC on Win2K under any
> conditions
> at all.
> 1. Install VNC
>  2. Install VNC Service
>  3. Start->Programs->VNC->Run WinVNC(AppMode)
>  4. Enter your password, this is for the current user.
>  5. Start->Programs->VNC->Administrative Tools->Show Default Settings
>  6. Enter your password, this is for the local machine
>  7. Close WinVNC
>  8. Start WinVNC Service
>  You may need to start the service helper if you want to modify settings
>  the winvnc instance running. This problem is due to the way Terminal
>  Services operates, since you are working in a virtual desktop.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Eugene Beckett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, 2002-05-04 23:44
> Subject: Strange problem
> > I've been using vnc for some time now and have come across a strange
> > problem.
> >
> > I installed it on my win2k server (not advanced) and it won't install as
> > service, I can't start it manually from services either. I can start it
> > manually from the desktop shortcut or start menu.
> >
> > Also, for some reason the password won't register in the registry.
> >
> > I removed all traces of the program by deinstalling and then manually
> > cleaning the registry. I've also reloaded the os, this has me seriously
> > bugged and I can't depend on it starting if the system reboots from
> > fail.
> >
> > Any suggestions would be welcome.
> >
> > eugene
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