When you attempt to connect to a machine with vnc,
you either kick off whoever is already connected,
or it blocks you from connecting (depending on the
registry key setting) -- this is under Windows.

How does the vnc reflector work then? How does it
determine the free vnc servers?


--- Constantin Kaplinsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>>>> "TP" == Tha Project <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> writes:
> TP> Just out of curiosity, how does vnc_reflector
> check if a
> TP> connection is busy. I was under the impression
> that the only way
> TP> you can find that out is after authentication
> (which would in
> TP> effect require some modification on the server
> side).
> I'm not sure I understand what do you mean by "a
> connection is
> busy"...
> -- 
> With Best Wishes,
> Constantin
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