I don't think so.  Proxy is for many to one, or one to one through a
firewall (if I read it right).  I think what we are trying to do here is
have all clients pointing to one redirector and then the redirector
dishes out client to first available server.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/16/02 01:19AM >>>

On Wed, May 15, 2002 at 01:14:06PM -0700, Tha Project wrote:
> I am relatively new to VNC, and would like to do the
> following:
> Write a fake VNC server that would in turn connect
> clients to servers as it wants. In effect having
> something like
> Clients                          Servers
>  x ---------\                       
>  x --------\ \                      y
>  x -------- Fake VNC -------------  y
>  x --------/ /                      y
>  x ---------/
> Since I am more likely to have more clients trying to
> connect than servers.

Seems like VNC Proxy.  See extras section or 


Akira Hatakeyama        E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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