Hello Martin,

>>>>> "MB" == Martin Bergmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

MB> Hi, First of all, thanks to all of you who helped me with the
MB> 'change port for applet' issue.

MB> I have another question.

MB> As we want to use VNC for online demontrations, i need to know if
MB> there is a way to let one user use his mouse and keyboard (without
MB> using the server), but all the other clients should not be allowed
MB> to use mouse&keyboard.

MB> So one could demonstrate and the others can just watch.

There is a program called VNC Reflector which acts as a proxy between
a server and clients and supports two passwords -- full-control and
read-only. The only issue is that this program is Unix-based (but it
can be compiled with Cygwin under Win32). See


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