Simon Hobson's comment are only so true, as are many others.

Unfortunately, only when a company needs to expand their resources or
integrate new ones, are they able to make this sort of decision, but as
always there is a cost factor. Fortunately for my client, I am also very
conscious of the important element of "Cost Effective" solutions, and not
simply "making a quick buck".

All my working life I have firstly looked for an alternate solution and made
sure the chosen solution (Not always the cheapest) is the right one. For a
number of years I have been more and more disillusioned by M$, as I always
ended up spending more time than it should in getting the solution to work
as it is supposed to and hence going over budget, which annoys the bean
counters immensely.

At last I am able to boast that we are about 80% complete with the switch
away from M$ on the first site, and are below budget by a 40% margin.

What this tells me, is that for the past 5 to 8 years, I myself have also
fallen prey to the M$ excellent marketing project, and have not looked under
the proverbial bonnet, and found it wanting.

To anyone out there who might read this, and is in a position to make the
decision to change, take courage from the fact that it is possible and can
be done.

After 20+ years in the business, at last I am getting back to a stable and
working environment.

What is amazing is, I can't understand why it took me about 8 years to wake
up and see it! The worst thing is I know I'm not alone, there are many
others out there in the same position.

Sorry to take up the lists time like this, but if one organisation makes the
decision to change to Open Source because of this thread, then we all have
accomplished something.

Thanks for listening.


Serik Associates
Suite 246, P/Bag X6
Cascades,   3202

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