On Thu, Apr 11, 2002 at 10:40:13AM -0500, Rehl, Tom wrote:
> Citrix definitely can become cost prohibitive, I'd recommend as a
> cheaper alternative you look into Windows 2000 Terminal Services - it's
> not as fast or feature rich as a Citrix environment, but a great deal of
> the same things can be accomplished.
There's a cheap and free solution if he doesn't want (or simply can't)
afford the price for Cytrix and its name is rdesktop: www.rdesktop.org. I
tried it while connecting to some W2k PC's w/ Terminal Services and it

        Pierluigi De Rosa ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
<<      LINUX: the choice of a GNU generation     >>
<<   For my real address... ask the Balrog.       >>
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