hey chip, i know im getting annoying but, that didnt work or i guess that i didnt do 
it right... im running ics...  what do i need to do on the host and what do i need to 
do on my client.. in order to get to use vnc on my client

--- "Chip Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I come back from church and see somehow I've started a controversy !
>Short version of how to use DNS2GO with vnc.
>First install both.
>Register your DNS2GO, and remember your www.youraccount.dns2go.com url
>Run both to run SERVICE, meaning they start automatically whenever the puter'
>is turned on or rebooted.
>On 2nd tab, named SERVICE SETTINGS in dns2go, CHECK mark and chose 5800 on the
>Now whenever you type in www.youraccount.dns2go.com url, the java screen
>should come up from your service installed VNC and DNS2GO programs, simply put
>in your VNC password and you are good to go.
>If on a network, ensure you open port 5800/5900 on the desktop you have
>intalled VNC on.
>As Always Thanks everyone for their help.
>----- Original Message -----
>Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2002 1:51 PM
>Subject: dns2go
>> can somone please explain to me how to use dns2go with vnc to make my client
>computer able to use vnc?  please...  thank u
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