
>>>>> "M" == MGillespie  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

M> What would be a even better idea, would be to intregrate all these
M> VNC enchancements into a single VNC, using the OpenVNC project at
M> SourceForge, as currently we have to choose between either running
M> TightVNC or the WinVNC driver, We can't have both...

M> Just my 2p worth!!!!

Well, I'm sure TightVNC will use driver hooking at some point, and I'm
very interested in Rudi's work. But first I'll have to make sure the
driver is of near-production quality, and I'd like to make its use
optional. So it's not only about copying the driver binary straight
into TightVNC, there's some more work to do.

So I don't think it's necessary to create one more project. I plan to
have all best features combined in TightVNC anyway...

With Best Wishes,

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