On Thu, Feb 14, 2002 at 09:01:21AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I've got VNC 3.3.3r9 running on a Win2k Pro machine at home, behind a 
> Linksys router.  What I want to do is connect to my home computer from the 
> office, who has their own firewalls in place.  Have the network 
> administrators change their configuration is not an option.
> What is the best way to get it working?  I have looked into the Linksys 
> router configuration and it looks like you can forward ports and such.  Is 
> this something that needs to be done?

>From the FAQ:

"If your internet access is through a router which does Network Address
Translation, you may be able to configure the router to redirect
particular incoming ports to particular machines. So you could run
WinVNC with a display number of 0 on machine snoopy, and with display 1
on machine woodstock, then set your router to send port 5900 to snoopy
and 5901 to woodstock. See below for information on the other port
numbers used by VNC."


Mike Ossmann, Tarantella/UNIX Engineer/Instructor
Alternative Technology, Inc.  http://www.alttech.com/
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