On Tue, 12 Feb 2002 08:12:28 -0600 (CST), T. Buck. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 12/02/02 06:33:17 httpd: get '' for
> 12/02/02 06:33:17 httpd: defaulting to 'index.vnc'
> 12/02/02 06:33:17 httpProcessInput: open: No such file or directory

The problem is with Linux VNC server. It does not find the index.vnc
file which will cause the loading of the vncviewr applet.

The location of the index.vnc (and the rest of java classes) is given
in the vncserver perl script (mine is /usr/local/vnc/classes), it is
passed to the Xvnc command as "-httpd /usr/local/vnc/classes".

The "good" log looks like this: 

29/01/02 13:59:28 httpd: get '' for
29/01/02 13:59:28 httpd: defaulting to 'index.vnc'
29/01/02 13:59:36 httpd: get 'vncviewer.jar' for


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