        Heya. Yes, I've something very much like ActiveX on my
things-to-do list. I want to move Kaboodle out of its tight
MFC ties, though, and into wxWindows so it's portable to, well,
anywhere. This means I'd approach it more like VNC, by having
Kaboodle deliver a signed applet.

        That is, of course, presuming you're not an ActiveX
coder with lotsa time on his hands. :) The developer links on should be all working.

        Thanks for the suggestion in any case. I tell ya, this
software support stuff is a lotta work...


> Looks interesting.
> ANy possibility of implementing some sort of ActiveX support so it can
> be used via a control embedded in a web page or HTA?
> - ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Scott C. Best" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday/2002 January 22 03:09
> Subject: Re: Tools like VNC Commander
> : JPV:
> : Hello! Please have a look here:
> :
> :
> :
> : Just posted a beta release, version 0.75 of Kaboodle, a
> : LAN management app with a "personal VPN" capability. It's got
> : VNC-Commander-like oversight of VNC servers on your LAN, and
> : includes the auto-detection and icon-support you asked about
> : (version 0.76 will have 6 more device icons types added).
> :
> : I've only been working on this app for about 2 years,
> : so be gentle with any feedback. :) Eager for any suggestions,
> : of course.
> :
> : cheers,
> : Scott
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