GlacierHi all,
        after configuring my redhat7.0 for vnc access from a win98 =
desktop. i get this error message ("Invalid Protocol") after i type in =
servername:5950 and press enter. It doesn't work for other ports =

what seems to be the problem? i am also getting there....

Here is my config file for xinetd.d and services file

"in vnc file under the xinetd.d folder"
#vncserver - this is a stand-alone file copied to /etc/xinetd.d/

service vnc640

   protocol =3D tcp
   socket_type =3D stream
   wait =3D no
   user =3D root
   server =3D /usr/bin/Xvnc
   server_args =3D -xinetd -query localhost -once -geometry 640x480 =
-depth 8
   disable =3D no

service vnc800
   protocol =3D tcp
   socket_type =3D stream
   wait =3D no
   user =3D root
   server =3D /usr/bin/Xvnc
   server_args =3D -xinetd -query localhost -once -geometry 800x600 =
-depth 8
   disable =3D no

service vnc1024

   protocol =3D tcp
   socket_type =3D stream
   wait =3D no
   user =3D root
   server =3D /usr/bin/Xvnc
   server_args =3D -xinetd -query localhost -once -geometry 1024x768 =
-depth 8
   disable =3D no

service vnc1280=20
   protocol =3D tcp
   socket_type =3D stream
   wait =3D no
   user =3D root
   server =3D /usr/bin/Xvnc
   server_args =3D -xinetd -query localhost -once -geometry 1280x1024 =
-depth 8
   disable =3D no

service vnc1600
   protocol =3D tcp
   socket_type =3D stream
   wait =3D no
   user =3D root
   server =3D /usr/bin/Xvnc
   server_args =3D -xinetd -query localhost -once -geometry 1600x1200 =
-depth 8
   disable =3D no

#...continue on for all resolutions/color depths as defined in

"in services file"
vnc640           5950/tcp                       #VNC Desktop for 640
vnc800           5951/tcp                       #VNC Desktop for 800
vnc1024          5952/tcp                       #VNC Desktop for 1024
vnc1280          5953/tcp                       #VNC Desktop for 1280
vnc1600          5954/tcp                       #VNC Desktop for 1600


Daniel Tan=20
7469188 Ext.665=20
MIS Department=20
Shop N Save Pte Ltd=20

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[demime 0.97b removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of Glacier 
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