I'm sorry but I wasn't able to find instructions that I could follow.  I
found the information on iXvnc referred to but that does not seem to
apply (or my headcold has clogged my brain).  Any further assistance
would be greatly appreciated.

> i'd use the inetd option with vnc in redhat.
> i use it and love it...also gives you the flexibility of screen resolution
> and as many sessions as you want to open.
> do a search on the uk att site for instructions
> Ryan Cayton
> Technical Analyst
> Horine and Associates, LLC.
>                     Janyne Kizer
>                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        To:     
>                     Sent by:                       cc:
>                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Subject:     Configuration 
>                     ch.att.com
>                     12/21/2001 07:32 AM
>                     Please respond to
>                     vnc-list
> First of all, let me say that I am relatively new to both Linux and VNC
> so please excuse the newbie-ness of these question.
> I have a test installation of RH 7.2.  I did not realize that VNC was on
> it already and I downloaded and installed VNC 3.3.3r2.  I started
> vncerver from the command prompt and I installed VNC on a Windows
> machine and I was able to get into the machine fine.  The problem is
> that for security reasons I don't want to have VNC running as root and I
> also would like it to start when the machine boots.  I saw something
> (either a post on this list or on the VNC website I think) about putting
> the command in rc.local so I did but it starts a new display every time
> the machine reboots and leaves pooplets around from the old display so
> there is no good way of knowing what display number it will be.  Clearly
> I missed something important here :-(  Any pointers would be greatly
> appreciated.  Also, should I be using the VNC stuff that came with Red
> Hat?
> My second question is about SSH from Windows.  I read the SSH document
> on the VNC website and I got very confused and I asked a coworker to
> look at it and they were confused about how we can use SSH when going
> from a Windows VNC Client to get to Linux VNC Server.  We would like to
> eventually deploy about 100 Linux servers throughout the state of North
> Carolina.  The servers may be managed from Windows workstations in some
> cases.  The network is not secure so we'd like to use SSH.  Thanks!
> Janyne Kizer
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