>The Mac version of the server does not support java.  You'll need to use
>the vncviewer.exe on windows to connect to it.
>Which server version are you using (AT&T or Chromatix VNC)???

If you are using ChromiVNC then it's not too hard to get the Java to work.
All you need are the Java class files from the Unix distro, then to make a
couple of small changes to remove the variable names from index.vnc, then
edit the prefs file so the server knows where to find the Java files.

If you need specifics, let me know...

 Adrian Umpleby   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://wrench.et.ic.ac.uk/adrian/
  vncPatches68k:-   http://wrench.et.ic.ac.uk/adrian/software/vnc/
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