On Friday, December 14, 2001, at 02:57 PM, sridhar ramalingam wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm new to VNC.
> I have a VNC server running on MAC and I'm trying to connect to the 
> server
> using the browser on Windows. I get the VNC authentication asking for 
> the
> password, even though my password is correct, I get a message saying
> 'java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused'.
> Any help will be great.
> Sridhar

The Mac version of the server does not support java.  You'll need to use 
the vncviewer.exe on windows to connect to it.

Which server version are you using (AT&T or Chromatix VNC)???

Roy Long - KB3CZD
Computer Technician
Net Professors
126 N. Second Street
Philipsburg PA 16866

814-342-3033 x7107

   Version: 3.12
   GO@ d-@ s: a- C++ C--- U+++ P+ L++>$ E--- W+ N+ w
   M++$ PS PE+ PGP+ t+ 5 X R- tv b+ DI++ D G h--- r+++ y--(+++)
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