Hi Having searched the documentation and faq and mailing list archives in vain on how to add X extensions to VNC, I decided to download the source code and try doing it myself.
I wanted to be able to have Xvnc load user defined extensions without having to recompile it each time. Here is what i did to achieve this - some of you might find it useful. Let me warn you that this is simply a quick & dirty hack and that I have tried this only on solaris. I used vnc-3.3.3r2 src code for Unix - 1. I modified src/Xvnc/programs/Xserver/mi/miinitext.c to read a file specified from the command line as "vncserver .... -x <extension-list-file>". The file contains a list of .so's to be loaded and a init-function to call in each .so Then i parse this file and "dlopen" each .so and call the specified initfunc from that .so I am attaching the modified miinitext.c as well as a sample extension-list-file. 2. Modify src/Xvnc/programs/Xserver/Makefile to add "-ldl" EXTRA_LIBRARIES and rebuild the VNC tree 3. Run the rebuilt VNC as follows vncserver <options...> -x extension-list-file that's it... atleast the the X server extension that I was working on for my project loaded beautifully without any changes... I am wondering if the distributed Xvnc could not be modified to do something similar (I am not an X extension expert & so I am not sure if I missed anything). This way users could add their own X extensions to VNC without having to recompile it. This might not work all the time (for eg. the SUN GLX extension cannot be added because it uses some sun private stuff in the X server - i think...) - but will atleast work in most straightforward cases. -krishna -- =================================================================== Krishna Gadepalli Sun Microsystems, Inc. 650.786.6343 (voice) Imaging & Video Group 650.786.5852 (fax) 901 San Antonio Road MS UMPK27-301 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Palo Alto, CA 94303 =================================================================== Those are my principles. "Qvid me anxivs svm?" If you dont like them, I have others ,,, - Groucho Marx (o o) --------------------------------------------------ooO-(_)-Ooo------ /*********************************************************** Copyright (c) 1987 X Consortium Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE X CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consortium. Copyright 1987 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Digital not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. DIGITAL DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************/ /* $XConsortium: miinitext.c /main/41 1996/09/28 17:15:08 rws $ */ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/mi/miinitext.c,v 1997/05/22 14:00:46 dawes Exp $ */ #include "misc.h" #include "extension.h" #ifdef NOPEXEXT /* sleaze for Solaris cpp building XsunMono */ #undef PEXEXT #endif extern Bool noTestExtensions; #ifdef XKB extern Bool noXkbExtension; #endif #if NeedFunctionPrototypes #define INITARGS void #else #define INITARGS /*nothing*/ #endif typedef void (*InitExtension)(INITARGS); /* FIXME: this whole block of externs should be from the appropriate headers */ #ifdef BEZIER extern void BezierExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef XTESTEXT1 extern void XTestExtension1Init(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef SHAPE extern void ShapeExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef MITSHM extern void ShmExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef PEXEXT #ifndef PEX_MODULE extern void PexExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif InitExtension PexExtensionInitPtr = NULL; #endif #ifdef MULTIBUFFER extern void MultibufferExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef XINPUT extern void XInputExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef XTEST extern void XTestExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef BIGREQS extern void BigReqExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef MITMISC extern void MITMiscExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef XIDLE extern void XIdleExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef XTRAP extern void DEC_XTRAPInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef SCREENSAVER extern void ScreenSaverExtensionInit (INITARGS); #endif #ifdef XV extern void XvExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef XIE #ifndef XIE_MODULE extern void XieInit(INITARGS); #endif InitExtension XieInitPtr = NULL; #endif #ifdef XSYNC extern void SyncExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef XKB extern void XkbExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef XCMISC extern void XCMiscExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef XRECORD extern void RecordExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef LBX extern void LbxExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef DBE extern void DbeExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef XAPPGROUP extern void XagExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef XCSECURITY extern void SecurityExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef XPRINT extern void XpExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef XF86VIDMODE extern void XFree86VidModeExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef XF86MISC extern void XFree86MiscExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef XFreeXDGA extern void XFree86DGAExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef DPMSExtension extern void DPMSExtensionInit(INITARGS); #endif #ifdef GLXEXT #ifndef GLX_MODULE extern void GlxExtensionInit(INITARGS); #else InitExtension GlxExtensionInitPtr = NULL; #endif #endif #include <dlfcn.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int parse_string(char *inp, char fields[2][256], int maxtokens) { int ntokens = 0; int length; char *beg, *end; if ((inp == NULL) || (fields == NULL)) return 0; beg = end = inp; while ((*beg != '\0') && (ntokens < maxtokens)) { beg = end; while (*beg && isspace(*beg)) beg++; if (*beg == '#') return 0; end = beg; while (*end && !isspace(*end)) end++; if ((length = end - beg) > 0) { strncpy(fields[ntokens], beg, length); fields[ntokens][length] = '\0'; ntokens++; } } return ntokens; } void LoadUserExtensions(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { FILE *extfp; char *extfile, *lptr; char linebuf[512], fields[2][256]; int n; void *dlhandle; void (*initptr)(); char *dlerrstr; for (n = 1; n < argc; n++) { if (strcmp(argv[n], "-x")) continue; else break; } if (n >= argc-1) return; else extfile = argv[++n]; AuditF("Loading extensions from list file [%s]\n", extfile); if ((extfp = fopen(extfile, "r")) == NULL) { AuditF("ERROR! could not open list file for reading\n"); return; } while (fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf)-1, extfp) != NULL) { int mode = RTLD_GLOBAL; if ((n = parse_string(linebuf, fields, 3)) < 2) continue; if ((n > 2) && !strcasecmp(fields[2], "yes")) mode |= RTLD_NOW; else mode |= RTLD_LAZY; if ((dlhandle = dlopen(fields[0], RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_GLOBAL)) == NULL) { dlerrstr = dlerror(); dlerrstr = dlerrstr ? dlerrstr : "--"; AuditF("ERROR! could not load ext {%s} / [%s]\n", fields[0], dlerrstr); continue; } if ((initptr = dlsym(dlhandle, fields[1])) == NULL) { dlerrstr = dlerror(); dlerrstr = dlerrstr ? dlerrstr : "--"; AuditF("ERROR! could not find init func (%s) in ext {%s} / [%s]\n", fields[1], fields[0], dlerrstr); continue; } AuditF("Calling init func (%s) from %s-loaded ext {%s}\n", fields[1], (mode & RTLD_LAZY) ? "lazy" : "pre", fields[0]); (*initptr)(); } } /*ARGSUSED*/ void InitExtensions(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { #ifdef BEZIER BezierExtensionInit(); #endif #ifdef XTESTEXT1 if (!noTestExtensions) XTestExtension1Init(); #endif #ifdef SHAPE ShapeExtensionInit(); #endif #ifdef MITSHM ShmExtensionInit(); #endif #ifdef PEXEXT #ifndef PEX_MODULE PexExtensionInit(); #else if (PexExtensionInitPtr != NULL) { (*PexExtensionInitPtr)(); } #endif #endif #ifdef MULTIBUFFER MultibufferExtensionInit(); #endif #ifdef XINPUT XInputExtensionInit(); #endif #ifdef XTEST if (!noTestExtensions) XTestExtensionInit(); #endif #ifdef BIGREQS BigReqExtensionInit(); #endif #ifdef MITMISC MITMiscExtensionInit(); #endif #ifdef XIDLE XIdleExtensionInit(); #endif #ifdef XTRAP if (!noTestExtensions) DEC_XTRAPInit(); #endif #ifdef SCREENSAVER ScreenSaverExtensionInit (); #endif #ifdef XV XvExtensionInit(); #endif #ifdef XIE #ifndef XIE_MODULE XieInit(); #else if (XieInitPtr != NULL) { (*XieInitPtr)(); } #endif #endif #ifdef XSYNC SyncExtensionInit(); #endif #ifdef XKB if (!noXkbExtension) XkbExtensionInit(); #endif #ifdef XCMISC XCMiscExtensionInit(); #endif #ifdef XRECORD if (!noTestExtensions) RecordExtensionInit(); #endif #ifdef LBX LbxExtensionInit(); #endif #ifdef DBE DbeExtensionInit(); #endif #ifdef XAPPGROUP XagExtensionInit(); #endif #ifdef XCSECURITY SecurityExtensionInit(); #endif #ifdef XPRINT XpExtensionInit(); #endif #if defined(XF86VIDMODE) && !defined(PRINT_ONLY_SERVER) XFree86VidModeExtensionInit(); #endif #if defined(XF86MISC) && !defined(PRINT_ONLY_SERVER) XFree86MiscExtensionInit(); #endif #if defined(XFreeXDGA) && !defined(PRINT_ONLY_SERVER) XFree86DGAExtensionInit(); #endif #if defined(DPMSExtension) && !defined(PRINT_ONLY_SERVER) DPMSExtensionInit(); #endif #ifdef GLXEXT #ifndef GLX_MODULE GlxExtensionInit(); #else if (GlxExtensionInitPtr != NULL) { (*GlxExtensionInitPtr)(); } #endif #endif LoadUserExtensions(argc, argv); } # # List of extensions to be loaded by Xvnc # # Format : <.so-name> <init-func-name> <preload = yes|no> # # - see "man dlopen" for specifying .so path name (the dynamic library to # be loaded for the extension. # # - if preload is set to "yes" then RTLD_NOW is sent with the mode bits # to 'dlopen' otherwise (if set to "no") RTLD_LAZY is sent with # the 'mode" bits for 'dlopen' # MyXExtension.so __MyExtensionInit no --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line: 'unsubscribe vnc-list' in the message BODY See also: http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/intouch.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------