
>>>>> "F" == Fred  <Shing-Fat> writes:

F> Hello, I just followed up on the suggestion below for a problem I
F> posted as
F> http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/archives/2001-11/0293.html
F> (thanks, Constantin). This eliminated the "Unexpected end of line"
F> error, but got me warnings and fatal errors very similar to the
F> messages in my original posting about missing zlib.h, among other
F> things. From my initial experience, it seems quite futile to learn
F> about makefiles and try to debug it at that level. In case anyone
F> recognizes a possible cause for the problem, I've pasted below the
F> output from the build attempt, after the suggested modifications to
F> vncviewer/Imakefile. Thanks for any further suggestions.

It seems like the compiler fails to find include files for zlib and
jpeg libraries. I think the documentation at


would help you to eliminate the problem. Also, I think I'll prepare
one more TightVNC packaging option: full source + zlib and jpeg
libraries. It would compile out of the box without need to edit any
makefiles. That could be helpful for non-Linux users.

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