We had some unusual problems when running a vncserver on Solaris that
included blank screens, and failure to start a vncserver.

The problem is fixed by changing the permissions on some files in the tmp

> ls -la /tmp/.X11*
drwxrwxr-x   2 root     root         104 Nov 13 18:28 .X11-pipe/
drwxrwxr-x   2 root     root         104 Nov 13 18:28 .X11-unix/

these are a problem because all users do not have permission to modify these

fix the problem as the root user:
cd /tmp
chmod 777 .X11*

Note that this has to be done each time the machine is booted as these files
are in the /tmp directory which gets deleted on startup.

I believe that these directories are used by more applications than
vncserver, but by default they appear to be created without permissions for
everyone to modify them.
Douglas Fisher B.Sc.,P.Eng. Willowglen Systems Inc.    8522 Davies Road
Project Manager             Total  SCADA  Solutions    Edmonton Alberta
                            Tel:     (780) 465 1530    CANADA   T6E 4Y5
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        Fax:     (780) 465 0130
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