I discovered why I was able to get the keyboard to stay in vncviewer fullscreen using xfce. It was a flaw in the Mandrake 8.1 xfce install. Evidently, all of the settings are now kept in the ~HOME/.xfce directory and that directory was not created by the rpm. Because of this error I was able to work fullscreen in vncviewer. Once I created the directory, I had the same problems as before. I then relogged into xfce with the directory setup...and then changed the directory name to .xfce.bak and tried vncviewer but it lost keyboard also. It appears to only work if that directory is not available upon login.
Sooooooo Maybe this info will be of assistance to all those scripters out there. ===== SI Reasoning [EMAIL PROTECTED] "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Find the one for you at Yahoo! Personals http://personals.yahoo.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line: 'unsubscribe vnc-list' in the message BODY See also: http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/intouch.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------