Well, I don't know about Unix versions of VNC, but I know that Rudi De Vos
has done some work to make winvnc (VNC on Windows) do this.  Link:
http://services.simac.be/vnc/single/  The downside is it's Windows-based,
meaning you can only have one copy of a program (and therefore 1 user)
running at any given time.

It may be a start.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2001 8:58 PM
Subject: single application?

Hello All,

I am new to this list and also to the modifying VNC. I have seen this
"rfbcounter" and am begining to see how it might be possible to make some
modifications for what we need to do.

I have just download VNC and am going to work on getting it installed on my
Linux Mandrake 8.1 system.

There is a few simple questions that I really hope that you could answer for
as I am new to VNC and have only used VNC a few times before.

For a really important project that we are working on, we need to be able to
just a single application on the server when the user logs in.

For instance, we would like for the user to be able initiate a command line
something like:

"vncviewer -user 'lonnie' -password 'mypassword' -application 'xterm'

Actually what we are looking to do is to be able to put the "Xvnc" into the
"inetd.conf" which we can already do and have done in the past.

The VNC server would be started when the user connects to port 5959 , for
example, but also to be able to send a user name and possibly encrypted
along with the application to run.

It would log in the user and then run that particular application and would
 when the user exited the application.

How hard would this be to do with VNC, or is there some project that might
addressing this type of question using VNC?

Best Regards,
Lonnie Cumberland
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