I seem to recall there was a post on this list a little while ago re: Rudi
De Vos' (sp?? sorry) windows 2000 VNC "video driver" and having it send text
as ascii instead of as a bitmap in the latest release??  This may not be
useful as it may relate more to video drivers than VNC, but it may be a
start (I am not much of a Windows programmer yet as you may have guessed ;)

link: http://services.simac.be/vnc/single/source/


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Krieger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 5:04 PM
Subject: Programming text objects

Hi again.

It's clear that WinVNC doesn't trap and send text from the server to the
viewer, and I guess from the lack of response no one has written code to
do so.

I am a Unix programmer, not very experienced in programming the PC (alas),
but I do want to add this facility to vnchooks.cpp.

Can someone help a bit?

        1. In Hookhandle, can I simply add a case (like WM_MOUSE) for

        2. Is WM_MSGFILTER the correct type for grabbing  text? 

        3. Once I know which WM_*** type is correct, then what call
           (like GetCursor) do I make to GetText? Is is simply GetText()?

I will be ahppy to share this work once I get something running, of



Mark Krieger
UniPress Software    http://www.unipress.com
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     (732)-287-2100x937

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