> Has anybody used VNC on an IPAQ ?
> The build I'm using doesn't seem to allow you to set the encoding to RAW
> mode, it just seems to keep defaulting back to Hextile ?
> It seems VERY slow even though it has a ubiquitous 10MB connection to the
> server.
> We are trying to evaluate VNC as a possible remote mapping tool, but the
> software really seems to struggle with high-density screen information (ie
> map that doesnt have a high degree of redundancy).
> I've seen the data transfer from the server peek at around 48K per second,
> but thats bugger all !
> Also I'm worried about colour depth mismatches, the IPAQ has a fixed
> depth of 12bit ie 4096 colours, this obviously isnt an option on the
> screen.

Check whether or not the iPAQ is using power-saving on the network - power
saving adds huge latency which cripples remote display systems like X and
VNC.    Check that your application is not repeatedly drawing its whole
display unnecessarily, like Mozilla tends to do, which is bad to do

Also note that VNC encodes large flat areas of colour or areas with sparse
detail best.

Finally, note that the iPAQ has a relatively slow internal bus, if I
remember correctly, which probably doesn't help anything that is graphically
intensive.  (Having said that, iPAQs are ace, I should point out. :) )

James "Wez" Weatherall
          "The path to enlightenment is /usr/bin/enlightenment"
Laboratory for Communications Engineering, Cambridge - Tel : 766513
AT&T Labs Cambridge, UK                              - Tel : 343000
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