I didn't need to do any of that. In Redhat7.0 I put a line at the bottom of 
the rc.local script that pointed to the "vncserver" file in my case 
/usr/sbin/vncserver. Upon bootup It asked me what the password was and 
created everything for me

From: Rainer Stransky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help!-Xvnc-Help!
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 16:13:24 +0200

Wilfried Kern wrote:
 > I already asked the question below earlier, without any answer. Seems 
 > nobody is running Xvnc on a SuSE Linux machine (or am I wrong?) Any, any
 > hint how to start vnc at boot time is highly welcome!
 > Here again my earlier problem discription:
 > I would like to run an email and SAMBA server for Windows clients. This
 > server runs Linux kernel 2.2.16 from the SuSE 7.0 distribution and should 
 > administered thru VNC. Everything is running fine, as long as I start the
 > vncserver script manually at the server. If I try to run Xvnc I get the 
 > screen mentioned in Andre Moreira's iXvnc patch for VNC
 > <http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/> X-Server (Xvnc). I tried to start 
 > XDM server mentioned in that article first with no success.
 > Can anyone give me a step by step instruction for my Linux distribution 
 > to start an XDM service automatically after booting the machine, which 
 > will accept later?
 > Many thanks in advance,
Hi Wilfried,

i am running VNC since severaly years also on SuSE Linux (actually on
6.4, 7.0, 7,1 and 7.2) without problems.

What i understand is:
Your want to start a vncserver and you expect a user interface as your
were locally logged in.
So you have to do some configuration settingsto vncserver
   create a file in ~/.vnc/xstartup with the following contents (example)

xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid rgbi:0.4/0.2/0.2
xset s blank
# DPMS (Energy Star) setting
xset dpms 300 0 0
/usr/X11R6/bin/kde & # or any other preferred window manager

start vncserver with the options (-depth 16 is important for kde !!):
vncserver -pixelformat rgb565 -depth 16

Thats it.

Start your vncviewer and enjoy what you see (i hope).

This way, work fine on our enviroment.


 > Wilfried
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