
Let's assume I get a home router, connect my cable modem to the router. So
both my PC and laptob can have internet access. Can I set up my PC as a web
ftp server? (since they will have a 10.XXX or 192.XXX addresses).
Can I have the upload option?


"Lee Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I would add another option.  For about $70 in the U.S. one can purchase an
off-the-shelf router/firewall.  I am using a Netgear product and I really
like it.  It performs the same functions as a Linux based firewall but
without the work, and the potential maintenance problems of an old PC.

----- Original Message -----
From: Richard Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 1:46 AM
Subject: Re: My Question about desktop sharing.... (correction)

> Hiya,
> > I do have a Laptop and a PC both running Windows 2000 and are
> > connected to each other thru a hub. The hub is connected to my cable
> > modem. So, only my Labtop can have internet access and gets the ip
> > address from dhcp server. Therefore, I think I am NOT be able to use
> > IP for their connection since they are not in the same subnet. What's
> > the best way to have remote desktop sharing between them?
> That's a tough one! But I can think of two ideas :-)
> 1) Get hold of an old 486 / low end Pentium and install Freesco. It's
> a floppy disk based linux that acts as a router and a firewall. I'm
> not a unix expert and I found it pretty easy to set up.
> The linux router would need two network cards. One plugging to the
> cable modem and this would collect the DHCP address from your
> cable modem. The second card would have your own private IP
> range attached to it (probably with subnet
> and you should plug this into your hub. You can then give static IP
> addresses to your laptop and PC - say and
> This would give you your own private IP network behind a firewall -
> so no-one should be able to reach your PCs through the cable
> modem. You'd also be able to run VNC if you wanted :-)
> 2) Put two network cards in the PC and put a proxy program on it.
> One network card should go into the cable modem (DHCP
> address) and the other card should have on it. The proxy
> software would collect Internet data on behalf of your laptop.
> The downside is that you'd need some sort of firewall to protect
> your windows 2000 box and the PC would always need to be on for
> Internet access to work. However, you would have your own private
> network AND again, you'd be able to run VNC.
> Wingate (www.deerfield.com) has a fully fucntioning demo proxy
> you can use and it comes with a 2 user license for evaluation.
> Sounds just right to me! :-)
> 3) If you couldn't use IP as you didn't take either of those options.
> You could get PC Anywhere which will run over IPX and I *think*
> you could use NetMeeting, although I found it a little unfriendly.
> Hope that helps!
> Richard
> web: http://www.darkage.co.uk/
> "Service, price, quality: pick any two."
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