> I have the latest version of ICQ for windows... and the different proxy settings 
>that are available are as follows.... SOCKS4, SOCKS5 and HTTPS..... only HTTPS 
>actually works.....
> This is partially what I am basing my understanding on......
> All other applicatiosn with SOCKS5 support that I have tried... have failed to 
> SocksCap32 sounded like a dream... but is yet another dead-end......
> Perhaps there are some basic questiosn u can ask me, that I can answer that will 
>clarify the situation. I am willing to have a go if u are.......
> This is my understanding........
> work: VNCClient
> home: VNCServer
> With a socks capable client or a program such as SocksCap32 I can opena socket 
>through the firewall.....
> However I then run into SOCK version issues, SOCKS4, SOCKS5, HTTPS........
> The only program I have found with HTTPS socket support is ICQ, which will get past 
>the firewall... but nothing else has.......
> Specification for settings are as follows (for icq):
> host:  pixs00
> port :  8080
> username:  briscoe
> pass:   *
> That is about as much as  I understand.
> Regards

Ok, that clears things up, thanks. Forget about Socks. Socks is
an entirely different kind of proxy (altough it can be used for
HTTP too). You're dealing with a HTTP proxy.

In theory you van use a HTTP proxy only for HTTP. In practice you
can tunnel other protocols over HTTP, or just use a HTTP proxies
abilility to relay SSL. By going down this road, you may be
breaking your company security policy, so I hope you know what
you're doing.

http tunnel tools:

You can *not* use my java viewer, because that does not support
proxy authentication, although it would be trivial to implement.
I will probably add that along with some other enhancements, if I
ever get to it.
(mirror: http://www.xs4all.nl/~harmwal/vnc/)

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