> Unfortunately SocksCap32  only has support for Socks4 and Socks5 proxies, and I need 
>support for HTTPS proxies. Is there anything else I can try........

This is very confusing. Your wrote:
>However, I cannot get past the firewall, which has SOCKS https support....

I assumed you were dealing with a Socks proxy, that only
connected out on port 443 (and probably 80 too, but never mind
that). You _can_ use a Socks proxy for HTTP and HTTPS (=HTTP over
SSL). Socks knows nothing about things like HTTP and SSL, so
Socks proxies with specific HTTP(S)-support do not exist, AFAIK.
Hence my assumption you meant the HTTPS-port (443). Either way,
you can use a Socks proxy for rfb (VNC).

Now you're saying you need support for HTTPS proxies. That again
is somewhat confusing. Can you only surf secure sites? Probably
not. Maybe you are dealing with a HTTP proxy. In theory, you can
only use a HTTP proxy for HTTP (and HTTPS). In practice you can
tunnel other protocols over HTTP, or just use the proxies
SSL-relay for those other protocols.

The following may not be 100% accurate, but may help to clear
things up for those who find proxies and gateways confusing

layer           protocol                   proxy/gatweway
application     http, ftp, telnet, rfb     HTTP proxy
host-to-host    TCP, UDP                   Socks,
internet        IP                         NAT
network access  ethernet, PPP           

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