On Fri, 6 Jul 2001, Gustavo Wagner wrote:

> Yes, we all have this problem.... unfortunatelly the bug that causes this is
> in Windows, and not on WinVNC...
> What happens is that Windows is not sending information about which programs
> have updated their screens correctly to VNC, so it can't update the client
> correctly.
> To solve this, all you can do is turn on the option 'Poll Full Screen' in
> the WinVNC (App Mode), right inside it's 'Properties' option.

I did try this, but then it is so extremely slow that it is nearly
impossible to use the computer.

I have not been able to find any Windows program that works properly
except in "poll full screen" mode, with the possible exception of the
WinVNC configuration tool itself, but even that seems to have problems.
Even Windows itself does not function (e.g. the start menu, desktop etc.)

Do the other modes (like "poll foreground window/poll console windows
only) truly not work, or am I just doing something wrong? The
documentation states that the default configuration should work for most
people, but I have not been able to get any useful results with the
default configuration at all. The screen simply never updates.

Is that really normal?

The curious thing is that even when the screen is not updating, the
computer is still running very slowly as if WinVNC is doing some work. But
with no visible result.

Mario Becroft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  -  http://gem.win.co.nz/mb/
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