At 01:22 PM 5/1/2001, Bill Banks wrote:
>I have VNC running as a service, and when I use a viewer from another pc,
>the password screen comes up, and as soon as I hit enter, then I will get
>a message that reads "VNC Authentication failed". I can get this program
>to work on win2000 professional, but not on any of my servers running
>win2000 server.
I'm not sure if anyone has brought it up recently, but a common problem
with why "servers" don't work, is that most people don't move above the
generic VGA driver when setting up their servers. But, it is a well known
limitation that VNC requires an 8-bit or higher display mode to work in
Windows. Does your server have an 8-bit or higher color mode?
Bryan Pendleton
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