Jeff -
>The screen refreshed quickly - but all I get is 5 windows that look like
> >term windows:
> >1 labeled desktop
> >2 labeled xterm
> >1 labeled login
> >and 1 Xclock.
>I'm willing to bet that these came from /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.
It seems so. I looked at the file and it does load xterm and clock at the
> >I am assuming that it should look like my local desktop no?
>If you want this, cope ~/.xsession or ~/.xinitrc to ~/.vnc/xstartup.
>VNC uses ~/.vnc/xstartup to setup your X display, while other X11 programs
>use either .xinitrc or .xsession.
>I'm willing to bet that will fix everything.
I searched for ~/.xsession and ~/.xinitrc and came up empty. Only
I copied it into ~/.vnc/xstartup and remarked out everything else. Same
results - a nice looking, plain desktop with some xterm windows and a clock...
I have a gut feeling that I am not using the correct file for this. Does
it make a difference if I am using XFree86 4.0.3 with KDE??
Ed Kasky
Los Angeles, CA
. . . . . . . .
Too bad all the people who know how to run the
country are busy driving cabs and cutting hair.
-George Burns
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