I know that display no's/ports above 99 must be a complete number (ie:
5265, not just 65). But I must be missing something because I would like
to use ports 6000 - 7000, so I assigned 6000 as a display number, and so
on. However, after doing a netstat, VNC seems to be listening on ports
in the 11,000 range. Does someone now the algorithm for display no. to
port mappings above 99?

Kevin M. Hilscher 
Sr. Systems Engineer 
905888 Alberta Ltd. o/a LAN Magic 
Ph (403) 217-9792  Fax (403) 247-9630

[demime 0.97b removed an attachment of type application/x-pkcs7-signature which had a 
name of smime.p7s]
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