As you can see an old email in the list copied in the below,
it seems that there was a discussion about using SetDDIHook
in VNC.
I'd like to follow what happened and who were concerned regarding the discussion. (In
fact, I myself am supposed to try the same)
I think Colin may be one who can tell more than any other
and would like to hear also from Keith and people related to the subject.
Any comment and clue are welcome!!
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Keith Adeney
> Sent: Monday, 4 October 1999 8:12 p.m.
> To: 'colin'; 'VNC-List'
> Subject: SetDDIHook
> Just to let people have an update on the Windows95/98 mods to use a DDI
> hook, I have now got the 16-Bit hook dll to talk to my 32-Bit test app
> (I know it was a long time back when I mentioned all this, but I also
> have a full time job, a wife, ...). Couldn't get 16-Bit pointers across
> to 32-Bit or visa-versa but I have got 6 Bytes across (wParam, lParam)
> in a 'SendAppMessage' (now PostThreadMessage) call. These six bytes can
> easily encode a 4096x4096 starting point of size 4096x4096. This can
> signal a damaged screen area of 8192x8192 (even those multi-screen
> systems shouldn't be limited here!). If anyone wants a look at the code
> drop me an e-mail.
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