well. the output of "top" shows that each session is taking up at 4.5% of
the cpu resources...and i have more than 25 open...thats why i would like to
limit the number of servers that could be started...that will force people
to use other machines for their vnc sessions.
i just have numberious number of servers started... users desktops are used
at viewers
> > i thought somebody might have written a subroutine of some sort to
> > check the number of instances started and not allow more than 'n'
> It's not enforceable. Put user limits on CPU, why not?
why is that? i cant write a simple sub to put in the beginning of the
vcnserver script .. something like
check how many sessions r open
if the number is more than 'n'
print sorry and exit
else proceed witht he rest of the vncserver script..
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tim Waugh
> Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 10:23 AM
> Subject: Re: Limiting Connections to the vnc server
> On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 01:14:39PM -0700, Anna Arbit wrote:
> > well... the load of 26 separate, not shared, sessions, slows down the
> > machine quite a bit...
> It'll be the applications, not the VNC servers, that cause the load.
> > i thought somebody might have written a subroutine of some sort to
> > check the number of instances started and not allow more than 'n'
> It's not enforceable. Put user limits on CPU, why not?
> Tim.
> */
> [demime 0.97b removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature]
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