Hi, i was going trhough the archive trying to find if someone came up with a way to limit the inbound connections. however, i was unsuccessfull. if anyone has done this, please respond. im using vncserver on solaris box. thank you, anna [EMAIL PROTECTED] --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list to [EMAIL PROTECTED] See also: http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/intouch.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- RE: Limiting Connections to the vnc server Anna Arbit
- RE: Limiting Connections to the vnc server Steve Palocz
- RE: Limiting Connections to the vnc server Anna Arbit
- RE: Limiting Connections to the vnc server McDaneld, Scott
- RE: Limiting Connections to the vnc server Anna Arbit
- Re: Limiting Connections to the vnc server Tim Waugh
- RE: Limiting Connections to the vnc server Anna Arbit
- Re: Limiting Connections to the vnc serve... Tim Waugh
- RE: Limiting Connections to the vnc ... Anna Arbit
- RE: Limiting Connections to the ... Mac Reiter
- Re: Limiting Connections to the ... Tim Waugh