Thanks, for the advice,
Yes I tried SnagIt, as well as I tried CamTasia which is developped by the
same company (TechSmith).
CamTasia is even closer to my needs than SnagIt, since it allows "live"
capture, this means capturing the screen and proposing a Live output. In
fact, it acts like a "software digital camera" that records the desktop
instead of recording the people around...
But it's not really easy to use for my application, because I need a whole
integrated environment.
Nicolas Descharmes
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : FairNet Systems, s.r.o. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Envoyi : mardi 3 avril 2001 18:43
> Objet : Re: Encoding
> Hi Nicolas,
> did you test Snagit (
> It is little and simple shareware for screen captures and
> may help you.
> Ales Drnovsky
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