I'm a bit confused here, and quite frustrated at Trividias non-existent
basic installation support.

I am administrator of a domain over 1000 miles away, and until today was
using PcAnywhere for remote access. Security policies dictated that pcA's
ports be closed so now I only have port 80 and 25 to work through.

Last week while pcA was working, I installed VNC, or thought I had. It
exists in "Program Files", but I cannot start the service as it isn't

Fortunately I wrote a secure cgi-system to be able to issue system
commands through the webserver to cope with this eventuality.
I can do net start/stop, reboot, update the registry etc, upload and
download any file with this, except control a gui program.
Physical presence is not an option.

Any clues on how to get the service installed, running and listening on
port 80?


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