Here is a suggestion.  Let your users run X, as they normally would, and run
a VNC client application on their desktop to connect to a VNC server (which
may also be on their same machine).  Shadow that VNC server by running a VNC
client on your desktop.  Run the Unix application in the VNC desktop, which
is within both of your desktops.


> ----------
> From:         Mozhdeh Malakan[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Reply To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent:         Monday, April 02, 2001 9:48 AM
> Subject:      Clarification - pcanywhere functionality
> hello everyone,
> thanks to all who wrote.  yes I am trying to snoop and display what is
> happening on another unix box.  we are not going to spy on other users,
> just trying to teach people who are don't know the particular unix
> application.
> here is the clarification:  run an application like HP Openview on solaris
> box and remotely just connect to that unix box and all the HP Openview
> GUIes gets displayed on the remote machine and what ever someone is doing
> on Sun box gets displayed on the VNC client.  what we don't want to do is
> to use PC with VNC and start the OpenView there.  we are going to take PC
> user as just someone who watches the action.  Someone else on unix box
> will move cursors and work with Openview and all the activities gets
> displayed on PC box.
> thank you very much.
> mozhdeh
> At 05:49 AM 03/31/2001 -0800, you wrote:
> >A windows box only runs one gui session and is not a
> >multiuser environment in the same way that Unix is. A
> >Unix box can run many X Windows sessions. So, if you
> >have a vncserver running on a windows box, there is
> >only one gui for it to "watch" so to speak. Becuase X
> >is not so tightly coupled to the Unix OS, when you
> >start a vncserver on Unix it is really starting it's
> >own X session separate and discreet from any other X
> >session on the box. It is possible to "snoop" an
> >Xsession or vnc session. Are you trying to see what
> >the users are doing? That seems like an invasion of
> >privacy to me. :-(
> >
> >--- Mozhdeh Malakan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> You have advertised the similar functionality as
> >> PCanywhere, and my boss want me to make this work. 
> >> what he likes is to have all activities that someone
> >> does on unix box gets displayed remotely on the VNC
> >> client box which is a PC.  
> >> 
> >> we have solaris boxes and I have installed VNC on
> >> them; however the VNC viewer doesn't bring the GUIes
> >> that are running on solaris box in to a PC window. 
> >> is this possible?
> >> 
> >> From a PC with VNC viewer I can connect to unix box
> >> and start any application with its own Gui that I
> >> like; however we are looking for an interactive
> >> functionality that PCanywhere brings, which captures
> >> all the  windows from one PC into another PC.
> >> 
> >> Thank you very much.
> >> mozhdeh
> >>
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