>From: "Tor Bye Andersen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   >Date: Sat Mar 31 2001  4:49am
   >Cc: "Tor Andersen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   >Subj: vnc Solaris 2.6 CDE (strange error message)
   >I am currently trying to make VNC work under Solaris 2.6, using CDE. I've
   >searched the mailing lists for clues,
   >but haven't found anything directly related to my particular problem.
   >Having performed
   >the basic  tasks mentioned in the README file of the installation tar-file, I
   >start the server
   >without arguments. (vncserver) on the machine ypch12.
   >This yields lines on standard out : (omitting the password part)
   >Nex 'X' desktop is ypch12:1
   >Starting applications specified in /export/home/tba/7.55/.vnc/xstartup
   >Log  file is /export/home/tba/7.55/.vnc/ypch12:1.log
   >So far so good.
   >But the log file is not so happy :
   >31/03/01   09:08:21  Xvnc version 3.3.3r2
   >31/03/01   09:08:21  Copyright (C) AT&T Laboratories Cambridge.
   >31/03/01   09:08:21  All righs reserved
   >31/03/01   09:08:21  See http:/www.uk.......
   >31/03/01   09:08:21  Desktop name 'X' (ypch12:1)
   >31/03/01   09:08:21  Protocol version supported 3.3
   >31:03:01   09:08:21  Listening for VNC connections on TCP port 5901
   >31:03:01   09:08:21  Listening for HTTP connections on TCP port 5801
   >31:03:01   09:08:21  URL http://ypch12:5801
   >xrdb: No such file or directory
   >xrdb: can't open display ':1'
   >xsetroot: unable to open display "1"
   >xterm Xt error : Can't open display: ":1"
   >twm: unable to open display ":1"

Known Problems in version 3.3.3R2
There is a known bug with this release, which fortunately has an
easy workaround: Before you start the VNC server you need to insert
these two lines in your startup file ($HOME/.vnc/xstartup), right
after the first line in the file:

export DISPLAY

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