I am currently trying to make VNC work under Solaris 2.6, using CDE. I've
searched the mailing lists for clues,
but haven't found anything directly related to my particular problem.

Having performed
the basic  tasks mentioned in the README file of the installation tar-file, I
start the server
without arguments. (vncserver) on the machine ypch12.
This yields lines on standard out : (omitting the password part)

Nex 'X' desktop is ypch12:1
Starting applications specified in /export/home/tba/7.55/.vnc/xstartup
Log  file is /export/home/tba/7.55/.vnc/ypch12:1.log

So far so good.
But the log file is not so happy :

31/03/01   09:08:21  Xvnc version 3.3.3r2
31/03/01   09:08:21  Copyright (C) AT&T Laboratories Cambridge.
31/03/01   09:08:21  All righs reserved
31/03/01   09:08:21  See http:/www.uk.......
31/03/01   09:08:21  Desktop name 'X' (ypch12:1)
31/03/01   09:08:21  Protocol version supported 3.3
31:03:01   09:08:21  Listening for VNC connections on TCP port 5901
31:03:01   09:08:21  Listening for HTTP connections on TCP port 5801
31:03:01   09:08:21  URL http://ypch12:5801
xrdb: No such file or directory
xrdb: can't open display ':1'
xsetroot: unable to open display "1"
xterm Xt error : Can't open display: ":1"
twm: unable to open display ":1"

The funny thing is, I had this part working the first time I tried it out, but
now I'm stuck.
Can it be related to some of my experiments with the vncserver wrapper script
(which is
now the default one) ? I removed all the vnc files, unpacked the tar file
again, and changed the
vncserver script as follows :
 1) perl path changed to /usr/local/bin/perl
2) $vncClasses is changed to /export/home/tba/Macro/classes

And of course, I moved the contents of the classes directory to the
$vncClasses path.

I have disable access control for  both local and remote users (only for this
"xhost" yields :

'access control disabled, clients can connect from any host'

'which xrdb'   yields

(so the $PATH settings should be OK)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Tor Bye Andersen

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